collected by :Mina Lony follow all progress in Google play in different sites to most famous technicals /Corbin Davenport by 2016-12-24 at 21:44 according to Black Friday now available on the Google Play Store – The 1979 Iranian Revolution was one of the most influential and important events of the late 20th century.The narrative-driven ‘1979 Revolution: Black Friday’ was originally released for PC on Steam in April, based on real stories from Iran between 1978 and 1981.In this Telltale-esque game, you play as photojournalist Reza, caught between opposing sides of the revolution. . read more from here Daydream and Stream: Netflix and HBO VR apps now available in the Google Play store – Previously only available on the Oculus store for Samsung Gear VR users, the Netflix VR app is now available to download on the Google Play store .Additionally, HBO has also dropped two new Daydream-supported VR apps on the Google Play store, with new HBO NOW VR and HBO GO VR apps offering subscribers of those two services a virtual theatre to watch Westworld and other violence and nudity-laden shows in.Get your own private Westworld screening room with HBO’s VR apps. . read more from here Official TWRP app is now available from the Google Play Store – The group behind the famed third-party Android recovery tool TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project) has released something many users have been likely wanting for some time; an official app in the Google Play Store.See also: TWRP custom recovery is out for the OnePlus 3TFor those of you not familiar with TWRP, it offers hardcore Android smartphones users quite a few features, including a way to flash custom ROMs, install ZIP-file-based updates, create and restore backups of ROMS and much more.The Google Play Store app allows users a quick and easy way to check to see if a new version image of TWRP for your
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