collected by :EmyJakop follow the latest progress in “Social Media” in defferent sites to most famous technicals /Abc News by 2017-01-18 at 20:30 as informed in Obama Talks About Chelsea Manning Commutation, WikiLeaks and His Daughters’ Reaction to the Election – President Barack Obama defended commuting Chelsea Manning’s prison sentence during his final news conference as commander in chief. . read more from here Chelsea Manning to Be Released Early as Obama Commutes Sentence – In addition, Mr. Obama on Tuesday commuted the sentence of Oscar Lopez Rivera, who was part of a Puerto Rican nationalist group that carried out a string of bombings in the late 1970s and early 1980s; the other members of that group had long since been freed. . read more from here Breaking: President Obama Grants Clemency to Chelsea Manning & Oscar López Rivera – President Barack Obama has commuted the sentences of two high-profile political prisoners. . read more from here Chelsea Manning decision: Obama says justice was served – Media caption Obama defends decision to free ManningPresident Barack Obama has defended his decision to free Wikileaks source Chelsea Manning, 29 years before her scheduled release. . read more from here to read more visit us social media
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