collected by :suzan mory follow all news in” technology games” from different sites to most famous technicals /Vw Staff by 2017-01-07 at 21:44 as declared in Jeff Bezos on Amazon, Business and Life Work; Amazon Alexa Gone Wild! – Published on Jan 1, 2017A interview with the fifth richest man in the world Jeff Bezos (january 2017).In this interview Jeff discusses his thinking behind Amazon and how he got it started.Jeff also goes on to talk about growing up and how he feels lucky at the teachers and opportunities he had.. read more from here ADT Makes History: Disarm Security System Via Amazon Alexa Voice – For more than a century, ADT has been one of today’s most trusted, well known brands in the industry.Today, we serve more than six million customers, making us the largest…Julie JacobsonJanuary 7, 2017Amazon’s Alexa Voice Service can now be used to control door locks and security systems by voice; however, the service so far has disabled the “disarm” and “unlock” features, lest strangers (including the TV or the radio) open the place up to uninvited guests.At CES 2017, however, ADT announced the ability to disarm its security system using Alexa.. read more from here read more visit us technology games
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