collected by :suzan mory follow all news in” technology games” from different sites to most famous technicals /Ravi Sinha by 2016-12-29 at 21:48 as informed in Overwatch Players Receive 5 Free Winter Loot Boxes « – In the spirit of the festive season, Blizzard Entertainment has sent all Overwatch players five free Winter Wonderland loot boxes.They may or may not contain the sprays and player icons you’re looking for.Since these loot boxes are in accordance with the Winter Wonderland event, you have until January 2nd 2017 – the day the event ends – to log in and collect them.. read more from here Overwatch Gives Away Free Winter Loot Boxes To Say Thank You; Get Yours Now – Overwatch Gives Away Free Winter Loot Boxes To Say Thank You; Get Yours NowBeing one of the top-selling video games of 2016 and getting incredibly positive feedbacks from both critics and players, there’s no doubt that the game community will hail Overwatch as the game of the year.To give back after such an overwhelming feat of Blizzard Entertainment, Overwatch players have had received free loot boxes in celebration of the game’s success.Overwatch Free Loot BoxesOverwatch players can now claim their five free winter loot boxes in the game.. read more from here Seasonal Event Includes Free Loot Boxes Give Away – The holiday event is in celebration for the Overwatch’s players outstanding support.(Photo: PlayOverwatch/YouTube)”Overwatch” is a first-person shooter game that was developed by Blizzard Entertainment, and it was initially released on the 23rd of May 2016.The game has been receiving a handful of positive feedbacks from their critics and players, and so Blizzard Entertainment decided to give thanks by giving freebies.. read more from here read more visit us technology games
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